We support the Covid-19 vaccination program provided by NSW Health. We highly recommend for all health workers at Sykee to be vaccinated; to protect themselves, their family, and our community.
Your safety and peace of mind are important to us
Last Updated, 18th October 2022
Our community’s mental wellbeing is of utmost priority to us. It’s the reason behind why we’re so passionate about what we do. Sykee will continue to stay committed to the supports we provide. While keeping NSW Health guided precautionary measures front-of-mind to assure everyone’s safety to the very best of our ability.
Our Policy:
Sykee’s Covid-19 & Infectious Disease Transmission policy addresses the necessity to provide a safe, NSW Australia state compliant workplace environment. Sykee has the ongoing commitment of its obligations to identify, prevent, report and examine all existing and possible instances of infectious disease transmission.
Our Strategy:
We support the vaccination program provided by Health NSW, making Covid-19 vaccination highly recommended for all Health Workers at Sykee. We also implement thorough and stringent preventative techniques to do our best to ensure the safety of our clients and personnel.
Upholding our Client Safety
At Sykee, we ensure that our support workers are up-to date with the current preventive practices by completing Australia Government COVID-19 Infection Control training module.
They are thoroughly briefed to physically mitigate the risks associated with transmission by maintain social distancing measures during our sessions to the best of our ability.
Common support related actions required at Sykee to protect both our clients and support workers:
The use of masks, especially when in enclosed spaces or closed quarter environments
Disinfecting car surfaces such as door handles, seats, and seatbelts before and after the session, if transporting a client
If necessary, use of protective gloves while touching surfaces in the client’s house such as door handles and stair railings
Providing support outdoors, as much as possible.
Upholding our client’s dignity
At Sykee, it is of utmost importance to ensure we carry out the safety measures in the most dignifying and socially mindful way possible.
We understand that even the smallest details in our interactions with our clients impact their perception of our care.
Protecting the safety of our clients in a socially dignifying manner encapsulates our values and the work we do here at Sykee. Implementing these actions may look like
Offering emotional support and attempt to alleviate fear and anxiety
Asking the client if they would like our support workers to wear a mask and gloves before wearing them
Offering PPE to the client as well, when appropriate
Providing recent updates, information, communication and education around the topic, when needed.
The training is provided by Australian Government Department of Health for all health care workers in all settings.
Let’s prepare and prevent together.
Sykee has taken responsibility in keeping our community safe, supported and informed.
Please check these pages regularly if you would like to stay updated.
New Updates
At Sykee, we would like our clients and staffs to get updated with the latest news on Covid - 19
Daily Statistics on Covid - 19 cases, tests and vaccination
NSW COVID - 19 case locations
COVID-19 Vaccination
Want to know whether you are eligible to get the vaccine?
Top 3 COVID-19 vaccine questions
Government Information
How to get a Covid-19 test?
Are you feeling sick? Do you have a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of taste or loss of smell?
We understand that changing dynamics with COVID-19 can be anxiety inducing for everyone, please be reassured we are here to support you in every way possible and your comfort/safety is a priority for us